Source code for

import uuid
from os import getpid
from socket import getfqdn
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pymongo import ReturnDocument
from pymongo.database import Database
from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError, OperationFailure

[docs]class LockExists(Exception): """Raise when a lock exists""" pass
[docs]class AcquireTimeout(Exception): """Raise when can't get lock"""
[docs]class MongoLocker(object): """ Distributed lock object backed by MongoDB. Intended to mimic standard lib Lock object as much as reasonable. This object is used by MongoElector, but is perfectly happy being used as a standalone distributed locking object. """ def __init__(self, key, db, dbcollection='mongolocker', ttl=600, timeparanoid=True): """ :param key: Name of distributed lock :type key: str :param dbconn: Pymongo client connection to mongodb :type dbconn: PyMongo db connection :param dbname: name of database (defaults to 'mongoelector') :type dbname: str :param dbname: name of collection (defaults to 'mongolocker') :type dbname: str :param ttl: Lock will expire (ttl seconds) after acquired unless renewed or released :type ttl: int :param timeparanoid: Sanity check to ensure local server time matches mongodb server time (utc) :type timeparanoid: bool """ self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) = getfqdn() = getpid() self.ts_expire = None self.timeparanoid = timeparanoid self.dbcollection = dbcollection self._sanetime = None self._maxoffset = 0.5 self._ttl_indexed = None if not isinstance(db, Database): raise TypeError("Must pass in database connection, not bare mongoclient") self.database = db if key and db: self.key = key self.collection = getattr(self.database, dbcollection) else: raise ValueError("must provide key name and pyongo database connection") if ttl: if isinstance(ttl, int): self._ttl = ttl self._setup_ttl() else: raise ValueError("ttl must be int() seconds") @property def status(self): lock_created = None lock_expires = None timestamp = datetime.utcnow() current = self.get_current() mine = False if current: mine = bool(current.get('uuid', False) == self.uuid) if mine: # Only include these details if lock is owned (prevent races) lock_created = current['ts_created'] lock_expires = current['ts_expire'] return {'uuid': self.uuid, 'key': self.key, 'ttl': self._ttl, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'host':, 'pid':, 'lock_owned': mine, 'lock_created': lock_created, 'lock_expires': lock_expires} def _setup_ttl(self): try: self.collection.create_index('ts_expire', expireAfterSeconds=self._ttl) except OperationFailure: self.collection.drop_indexes() self.collection.create_index('ts_expire', expireAfterSeconds=self._ttl) self._ttl_indexed = True @staticmethod def _acquireretry(blocking, start, timeout, count): """Determine if a retry is appropriate""" if blocking is False and timeout: raise ValueError("Blocking can't be false with a timeout set") if blocking is False: if count > 0: return False else: return True else: # blocking true if count == 0: return True if (datetime.utcnow() - start) > timedelta(seconds=timeout): return False else: return True def _verifytime(self): """verify database server's time matches local machine time""" if self._sanetime and self._sanetime > datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=10): return True else: mongotime = self.database.command('serverStatus')['localTime'] pytime = datetime.utcnow() delta = pytime - mongotime offset = abs(delta.total_seconds()) if offset > self._maxoffset: raise Exception("Time offset compared to mongodb is too high {}".format(round(offset, 2))) else: self._sanetime = datetime.utcnow() return True
[docs] def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=None, step=0.25, force=False): """ Attempts to acquire the lock, will block and retry indefinitely by default. Can be configured not to block, or to have a timeout. You can also force the acquisition if you have a really good reason to do so. :param blocking: If true (default), will wait until lock is acquired. :type blocking: bool :param timeout: blocking acquire will fail after timeout in seconds if the lock hasn't been acquired yet. :type timeout: int :param step: delay between acquire attempts :type step: float or int :param force: CAUTION: will forcibly take ownership of the lock :type force: bool """ if self.timeparanoid is True: self._verifytime() count = 0 start = datetime.utcnow() while self._acquireretry(blocking, start, timeout, count): count += 1 try: created = datetime.utcnow() self.ts_expire = created + timedelta(seconds=int(self._ttl)) payload = {'_id': self.key, 'locked': True, 'host':, 'uuid': self.uuid, 'pid':, 'ts_created': created, 'ts_expire': self.ts_expire} if force: res = self.collection.find_one_and_replace({'_id': self.key}, payload, new=True) else: res = self.collection.insert_one(payload) return res except DuplicateKeyError: existing = self.collection.find_one({'_id': self.key}) countdown = (datetime.utcnow() - existing['ts_expire']).total_seconds() if not blocking: raise LockExists('{} owned by {} pid {}, expires in {}s'.format(self.key, existing['host'], existing.get('pid', '?'), countdown)) else: sleep(step) raise AcquireTimeout("Timeout reached, lock not acquired")
[docs] def locked(self): """ Returns current status of the lock, but does not indicate if the current instance has ownership or not. (for that, use 'self.owned()') This is a 'look before you leap' option. For example, it can be used to ensure that some process is owns the lock and is doing the associated work. Obviously this method does not guarantee that the current instance will be successful in obtaining the lock on a subsequent acquire. :return: Lock status :rtype: bool """ locked = False res = self.collection.find_one({'_id': self.key, 'ts_expire': {'$gt': datetime.utcnow()}}) if res: locked = res['locked'] return locked
[docs] def owned(self): """ Determines if self is the owner of the lock object. This verifies the instance uuid matches the uuid of the lock record in the db. :return: Owner status :rtype: bool """ return bool(self.collection.find_one({'_id': self.key, 'uuid': self.uuid, 'locked': True, 'ts_expire': {'$gt': datetime.utcnow()}}))
[docs] def get_current(self): """ Returns the current (valid) lock object from the database, regardless of which instance it is owned by. """ return self.collection.find_one({'_id': self.key, 'locked': True, 'ts_expire': {'$gt': datetime.utcnow()}})
[docs] def release(self, force=False): """ releases lock if owned by the current instance. :param force: CAUTION: Forces the release to happen, even if the local instance isn't the lock owner. :type force: bool """ if force: query = {'_id': self.key} else: query = {'_id': self.key, 'uuid': self.uuid} self.collection.delete_many(query)
[docs] def touch(self): """ Renews lock expiration timestamp :return: new expiration timestamp :rtype: datetime """ ts_expire = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=int(self._ttl)) result = self.collection.find_one_and_update({'_id': self.key, 'uuid': self.uuid, 'locked': True, 'ts_expire': {'$gt': datetime.utcnow()}}, {'$set': {'ts_expire': ts_expire}}, return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER) if result: self.ts_expire = result['ts_expire'] return self.ts_expire else: return False